Tuesday, April 8, 2014

bypass ratio bio

 ANON / JASON C are a singing, writing, song writing, music composing, video editing, visual & performance art duo that create BYPASS RATIO. In the beginning, it was just an old used laptop, Sony digital camera, JASON C's paintings and some editing software. NOW, in addition to some better music making software for an evolving studio quality sound that allows BPR to compose & create ALL of the music (no more borrowed drum loops etc) BPR has evolved into what it is today. Some songs are political, others are hyper sexual & some are just plain ol' goofy --- they are all created from a mind & heart that seek truth, peace, light & love, with a flare for camp, glamour and honesty. A real avant-garde romp! :) WELCOME TO BYPASS RATIO ~~~Not Just Your Average Joe Schmo~~~ Enjoy.....and PEACE!

                                                                        Some might love us, we expect some hate as well in this f-ed up society of ours but we will never stop!